Thursday, October 1, 2009

Uro Levu - Sexy Gorgeous (Korovou)

Korovou EcoHaven was one of my favourite places. Led by Mr Steve (his name was actually Steve but he always introduced himself as Mr Steve - it was strange), it boasted a fine bar and a fresh water pool. The dorms were large, but empty. Most importantly this island had the best-looking, bikini-clad women of all places I visited.
This was an apt phrase for this island
On the first day I swam with the Manta Rays. It was a good experience, but there were a plethora tourists from the neighbouring islands all trying to get a decent view. Guides took you out to the Manta Ray swimming areas, point one of the majestic creatures out and you would than jump into the ocean with your snorkelling gear.
We followed these beauties for quite a long time. They were longer from wingtip to wingtip than I am tall
The main issue is that once other tourists realise you've found a manta ray they would crowd over; legs kicking and water splashing. Given I don't like swimming and I hate crowds it was a bit much for me. At one stage three others and I spotted a manta ray quite a distance from the main group, and we had five minutes to ourselves in which we followed its indolent movements until we were interupted by one hundred billion others too lazy to locate their own ray.

Honeymooner's beach and not a soul in sight (makes you wonder how i took the photo)
Another highlight of Korovou centred around the pool, and a game called 'Tipple' (or something like that) that Katie, Helen and Rachel introduced to me. A match was released at the bottom of the pool in a random location by a submerged diver while all the contestants stood around around the edge, intently watching for the match to surface.
A view overlooking honeymooner's beach. There was a $1 donation to enter, but it was worth it.
Once one of the contestants spied the floating matchstick they had to shout 'tipple', dive into the pool and grap the match in one motion. If you grab the match you are declared the winner and you get to release the match where ever you wish for the next round. If you miss the match someone else gets a go diving for it. Hours of fun!

I played volleyball with the staff on both days I was there, and made many friends with the locals due to my ability to read the spikes and pick up what they thought were impossible balls.

A bula dance for your enjoyment
I also met a trio of Kiwis who were sailing around the area. They had anchored just off shore and came to Korovou Ecohaven for a beer or three. We had a great time talking all things cricket!

Look who turned up! Hi Tom. He didn't go to Waya LaiLai, but to another resort on a nearby island. Apparently Waya Lai Lai was better
Much to my delight Tom arrived the following day. We took a romantic walk to the deserted Honeymooner's beach, searched for crabs, and visited a sort of lookout. That night we drank lot of alcohol and saw an awesome fireshow led by Mr Steve. Mr Steve was quite talented; he could play volleyball, spin firesticks and the next day he broke a coconut in half with karate chop! No other fijian or tourist was willing to try that trick.
The fire dance was pretty good, but only Mr Steve was well trained, the others dropped their twirlers a lot
We also met Becki, an american Phd graduate who was finishing up on a sixth month around the world holiday. As it was her last night we drank ourselves into a stupor moving to the bar down the beach when our own closed. A fire was built and we danced and sang and celebrated the fact we were in Fiji.
Myself, Becki and the staff. Good volleyballers, boat builders and fire makers (although their twirling left a bit to be desired.

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